Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video are strictly my own and are not to be construed as trading advice. Do not buy, sell or otherwise trade cryptocurrency based on the content of this video. I am merely sharing what I have done and what I would do in various situations as an educational tool only. • Colin Talks Crypto reached 1000 subscribers!!! Thank you very much! I have only been doing this for just under 2 months and it's been quite a ride. I have a lot of respect for YouTubers because I see it takes a lot of hard work to grow a channel. Thank you to all my subscribers and viewers. You really mean a lot to me. • US-based exchange, Poloniex just opened markets in EOS! (Circle recently bought Poloniex) https://twitter.com/poloniex/status/1024324731762356224?s=21 • Uber, Lyft competitor Eva is a decentralized Uber set to launch on EOS https://twitter.com/Everipedia/status/1023857651657015297 https://twitter.com/Eva_Coop http://eva.coop/ • Currently 1.75 Million EOS in the eosio.ramfee trading fees account: https://eosflare.io/account/eosio.ramfee Lots of proposed changes to EOS from block.one: • CEO of Block one We are proposing a removal of the 4% inflation for WP’s https://twitter.com/BrendanBlumer/status/1023183731392049152 It will be burned (not sent to holders of EOS retroactively) • Brendan Blumer: Network fees to go to EOS voters. https://i.redd.it/0jhale5vb2d11.jpg • Dan wants to change EOS to tradeable bandwidth & cpu just like ram trading. [image in video of Dan's Telegram quotes] • From Yasser Tabbaa of EOS Arabia: Directory of live, usable and tested EOS tools and projects: http://allthingseos.com/ • Quick reminder to use EOS Authority's account notification feature. It is good security practice to use this. I use it myself and love it. https://eosauthority.com/alerts "This alert system can be setup on email or telegram and users receive alerts on transactions on their accounts. A combination of using owner key, active key and alerts will help people keep their EOS safe." Per Roshan of EOS Authority this system has thousands of users already. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚡Colin Talks Crypto⚡ addresses/wallets: 💜 EOS donation address/account name: colintcrypto 💜 Ethereum (ETH) address: 0x5b90414Aeb115f910698304E63C2C3092739c9c0 💜 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address: qpzc3apy9s8x2qtlqxxgnalfxtzgnkg5nq352w9k2t 💜 Bitcoin (BTC) address: 1Da6ivdriJpzqnLkNEa1XnKk5nGCiyRZrF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You can reach me at: 💗 Website: http://www.ColinTalksCrypto.com (YouTube channel) 💗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColinTCrypto (@ColinTCrypto) 💗 Steemit: https://steemit.com/@colintalkscrypto